1. 学生培养
A Letter to Research Students, by Duane A. Bailey, Williams College
How to Organize your Thesis, John W. Chinneck, Carleton University
How to Read a Paper, Prof. Srinivasan Keshav, University of Waterloo
The Graduate Thesis Defence, John W. Chinneck, Carleton University
You and Your Research [Video] [Transcription], Dr. Richard Hamming
Managing Your Career as a PhD, Prof. Deepa Kundur, University of Toronto
Advice to Authors of Extended Abstracts, William Pugh, University of Maryland
How to Do Good Research, Prof. Eamonn Keogh, University of California, Riverside
PhD Research: Elements of Excellence, Prof. Ness B. Shroff, The Ohio State University
Do I really want a Ph.D.? What does a Ph.D. entail? (Section 2), Prof. Mor Harchol-Balter, Carnegie Mellon University
How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia Pre-PhD and Post-PhD, Prof. David Patterson, University of California, Berkeley
2. 论文写作及报告展示
Writing Perfect Papers, Prof. Baochun Li, University of Toronto
The Art of Presentations, Prof. Baochun Li, University of Toronto
How to Write a Great Research Paper, Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research Cambridge
Mathematical Writing, Profs. Donald E. Knuth, Tracy Larrabee, and Paul M. Roberts, Stanford University
Ten Simple Rules for Mathematical Writing, Prof. Dimitri Bertsekas, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tips on Writing Papers with Mathematical Content, Prof. John Tsitsiklis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
How to Write a Great Research Proposal, Simon Peyton Jones and Alan Bundy, Microsoft Research Cambridge
How to Give a Good Research Talk, Simon Peyton Jones, John Launchbury, John Hughes, Microsoft Research Cambridge